
Reading Tips

Creative Ways to Incorporate Your Reading and Personal Goals

Tackling five of the most commonly set New Year’s resolutions and how you can incorporate reading books with them.

Last Updated on January 15, 2023 by BiblioLifestyle

Do you want to read more books this year but don’t know how to make time for it?  Or are you looking for ways to connect your personal goals with your reading habits?  Here are a few ideas that might help.  By making small changes in how you approach reading, you can easily integrate it into your life while still accomplishing other things.  So whether you’re hoping to read more books or want to make reading a regular part of your routine, keep reading for some tips.

We decided to tackle five of the most commonly set New Year’s resolutions to show you how reading books can help you achieve those goals or incorporate reading into your other goals.

Achieve Reading Goals

Goal: Get Out of Debt, Save Money

This one is easier said than done.  While I consider books a need, not a want, if you find yourself buying stacks of books each month, you can cut back on spending.  But you can still achieve your reading goal by becoming a regular patron at your local library.  Don’t forget you can request books at your library in addition to placing holds on highly anticipated books.  If you decide it’s one you need to own after reading your library book, keep an eye out for it at your friend of the library book sale or in your friendly neighborhood used bookshop.  Think of finding this book at a bargain as a great big adventure.

You can also read tons of books about personal finance that can give you a lot more practical advice than we can, such as Broke Millennial, Your Money Or Your Life, The Latte Factor, Smart Women Finish Rich.

Goal: Lose Weight, Exercise, Get Fit

To achieve this goal, you have to get moving.  So whether you have a gym membership or you’re taking walks around the block — opt to listen to an audiobook while you exercise.

I know there is a hot debate about whether listening to audiobooks can be considered reading.  Historically oral literary culture long preceded the actual book.  While audiobooks cannot replace physical books, they provide an excellent alternative for people on the go and those wanting to give their eyes a rest.

Besides, gone are the days of listening to books on cassette or CD’s, now we can download them on our smartphones.  Audiobooks also draw A-list actors and actresses to the mic, undergoing massive productions, casts, soundscapes, and other technological advances!

Goal: Learn Something New, Travel to New Place

What better way to learn something new and travel to a new place than by diving into a book?  After all, it is said, “A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies, the man who never reads only lives one.”

Reading is truly one of the most enriching experiences that one can have. Not only does reading give you the opportunity to learn something new, but it also takes you to places you never thought were possible. You can journey to different parts of the world or visit another era without ever having to leave your comfortable armchair! Reading books allows us to explore others’ thoughts and beliefs as well as experience a completely different way of living through fictional stories that take us on exciting adventures. With every book we read, we gain a deeper understanding of culture, emotions, and language, allowing us to become more worldly and empathetic.

Goal: Spending More Time with Family

Spending more time with family can prove challenging because of schedules, distance, finances, and a host of other factors.  The way reading can fix that is by fostering a reading culture within your family.  If we are talking about the immediate family that lives at home with you, try carving out a one-hour window where the entire family sits and reads.  You can all read different books, and for reluctant readers, you can try audio.  Then, at a once-a-week seated dinner, you can all talk about the books you’re reading.  Finally, you can read the same book together and have a once-a-month call in to discuss it with an extended family member who is not able to meet in person.

Goal: Reducing Stress, Finding Me Time

Numerous studies have proven that reading is a known stress reducer.  It helps you to switch off, and de-stress, and by distracting your brain with new information or someone else’s story – it will take your mind off your troubles.  It can be your “me time” thing and become something you consistently do for yourself.

Reading also provides additional benefits – increased concentration, creativity, and a more understanding and empathetic person.



I’m a huge advocate for quality over quantity, but if you’ve set a numerical goal of reading books, your biggest challenge might be finding the time to read. The easy and honest solution is always to have a book handy and read every free second. We also talk in detail about finding time to read when you’re extremely busy in a separate article and our tips to read more books.

Have you found creative ways to incorporate reading into achieving your other personal goals?  Are you planning to try something new?

Please share your ideas and tips in the comments.

Reading and Personal Goals

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