Ready to join a literary community?

Join the BiblioLifestyle Community for a fun, online book club experience! Come and share books you've read, get inspiration for what to read next, make friends, and encourage each other along the way.

At our Bring Your Own Book (BYOB) Club, you can bring any book you wish to our monthly meetings and tell us all about it.  The community hosts quarterly literary brunches, which are seasonally themed events, annual summer camp, engaging live events and workshops, plus reading and lifestyle challenges throughout the year.

we're a fun bookish bunch

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I'm Victoria, your new book bestie.

I live, eat, and breathe a literary lifestyle. I'm also a radiology professional, community builder, event organizer, podcaster, newsletter curator, self-care advocate, volunteer, and pizza-loving, cocktail-drinking individualist whose life revolves around my family.  

See that? I have A LOT going on, and I'm guessing you do too! So I want to help you bridge that gap between living a full and busy life to one where you're also carving out some YOU time, reading, learning new things, and having fun!


hey there!


What's Your Reader Type?


Whether you're an aspiring or avid reader, this quiz will help you get clear on where you are right now in your journey.  It will also provide the resources you need for your reader type and put you on the path to living your best reading and literary life yet!

First, we need to determine your reader type and see where you are currently in your reading journey.


You plan to start a reading habit, read more consistently, or become a more intentional reader.

Popping into your inbox every Tuesday and Friday with curated book lists, reading and lifestyle tips, recipes, and content created with Y-O-U in mind because no one likes getting junk mail, am I right?

Pen Pals

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