
The Reader's Couch Podcast

Bookshelf Makeover: 10 Ways to Organize Your Bookshelves

Get inspired and start organizing your bookshelf with these ten creative ideas!

Last Updated on April 6, 2023 by BiblioLifestyle

Bookshelf Organization Ideas - 10 Ways to Organize Your Bookshelves -The Reader's Couch podcast episode

Today, Victoria shared some bookshelf organization ideas and the different methods she uses to organize her shelves.

Organizing your bookshelf can help make your space aesthetically pleasing and lift your spirits.  But most importantly, it makes it easier to find the books you want when you need them and helps make your decision on what to read next easier.  So in this episode,  I’ll share ten different ways how you can organize your bookshelves and the methods I use to organize my shelves.


  • Why is bookshelf organization important?
  • Benefits of bookshelf organization
  • 10 bookshelf organization ideas
  • Victoria’s current bookshelf organization method
Bookshelf Organization Ideas - 10 Ways to Organize Your Bookshelves

10 Bookshelf Organization Ideas

Are your bookshelves cluttered and disorganized?  If so, you’re not alone.  Many book lovers struggle with organizing their book collections in an aesthetically pleasing and practical.  In this podcast episode, we will share ten bookshelf organization ideas.  So whether you need a bookshelf makeover or just looking for some inspiration, this episode is packed with practical tips and ideas.



1.  Separate Fiction and Non-Fiction

A straightforward method for organizing your bookshelves is to separate fiction and non-fiction books.  This can make finding the type of book you’re looking for easier and create a more visually organized space.

2.  Organize by Author

If you have multiple books by the same author, consider organizing your shelves by author.  This can make it easier to find specific books and help you keep track of your favorite authors’ works.

3.  Separate Classics from Contemporary

Another method for organizing your bookshelves is to separate classic literature from contemporary works.  This can help you quickly locate books based on the time period or style in which they were written.

4.  Organize by Mood or Emotion

Consider organizing your books based on the mood or emotion they evoke.  This can be a helpful method for those who choose books based on their current emotional state or desired reading experience.

5.  Separate Read from Unread Books

Create a designated section on your bookshelf for books you have not yet read.  This can help you keep track of your to-be-read (TBR) pile and make it easier to choose your next read.

6.  Organize Alphabetically

Consider organizing your bookshelves alphabetically if you tend to remember book titles or authors more than genres or subjects.  This can make it easier to locate specific books within your collection.

7.  Separate Hardback and Paperback Books

Consider organizing your bookshelves by separating hardback and paperback books for a cleaner, more streamlined look.

8.  Organize by Color

If you’re a visual person, consider organizing your bookshelves by color.  This can create a vibrant and eye-catching display while making it easier to locate books based on their cover design.

9.  Organize by Genre or Subject Matter

Organizing your bookshelves by genre or subject matter can be a helpful method for quickly locating books based on your current interests or reading preferences.

10.  Separate Favorite Books from Less-Loved Titles

Create a designated section on your bookshelf for your favorite books, separate from those you didn’t enjoy as much.  This can help you quickly locate your most-loved titles and create a visually appealing display of your favorite reads.


Organizing your bookshelves can be a fun and rewarding project.  By using one or more of the bookshelf organization ideas above, you can create a visually appealing and functional bookshelf display that makes it easier to find and enjoy your favorite books.  If organizing your bookshelves isn’t on your agenda right now, consider sharing this post with a book-loving friend who might find these tips helpful.  Happy organizing!


Bookshelf Organization Ideas - 10 Ways to Organize Your Bookshelves -The Reader's Couch podcast episode

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