
Reading Tips

30 Practical Tips for Reading More Books

These practical tips will help you to read more books and achieve your goals.

Last Updated on December 28, 2023 by BiblioLifestyle

How to Read More Books - 30 Practical Tips

If you’re like most people, you probably wish you could read more books.  But it can be tough to find the time to fit in reading when so many other things are vying for our attention.  So how can we fit more reading into our busy lives?  Here are 30 actionable tips that will help you read more books this year.

30 Practical Tips for Reading More Books

Tip #1: Make time for reading every day

One of the best ways to make sure you’re reading more is to set aside time for it every day.  Of course, how much time you want to dedicate to reading is up to you, but even just 30 minutes a day can make a big difference.  So carve out some time in your schedule and stick to it!

Tip #2: Always have a book with you

Always having a book with you is a great way to make sure you’re taking advantage of any downtime you have.  Personally, I always have a book in my handbag, in the car, on my desk at work,  on my nightstand, practically everywhere.  Plus, I always have a queue of audiobooks on my mobile phone ready, and I carry my kindle with me as well.  So if you always have a book with you, you can easily sneak in some reading time whenever you have a few spare minutes.  Like when you’ve arrived early somewhere, waiting in line somewhere or even during a commute.

Tip #3: Learn how to multitask

You can do some of your reading while you’re doing other things, like walking, doing laundry, or cooking.  How?  By listening to audiobooks!  Audiobooks are a great way to “read” while doing other things and can help you fit in more reading time.  This way, you can listen to a book while you’re getting your steps in or making dinner.

If you’re new to audiobooks, check out: How Audiobooks Can Help You Read More: A Beginner’s Guide to Start Listening.

30 Practical Tips to Read More Books

Tip #4: Set a goal for how many books you want to read in a year

One way to ensure you’re reading more is by setting a goal for yourself.  How many books do you want to read in the next year?  Once you have a number in mind, make it your mission to reach it!  Setting a goal will help keep you motivated and on track.

For more on reading goals, check out: How To Set and Achieve Your Reading Goals.

Tip #5: Keep a list of the books you want to read handy

When you come across a book that looks interesting, add it to a list so you can remember to read it later.  Your list could be a physical list that you keep in your purse or wallet or an online list that you save on your computer or phone.  Having a list will make it easy to choose your next book and ensure you’re always reading something new and exciting!

Tip #6: Join or start a book club

A great way to get into the habit of reading more is by joining (or starting) a book club.  Being a part of the book club will give you something to look forward to and hold you accountable.  It’s also a great way to meet new people who share your love of reading!

I’d also like to take this opportunity to invite you to the BiblioLifestyle Community & the Bring Your Own Book (BYOB) Club!  This is a members-only community where we connect over our love for books, share recommendations, build lasting friendships, and encourage each other along the way.

At our Bring Your Own Book (BYOB) Club, you can bring any book you’re reading to our monthly meetings and tell us all about it.  So no more assigned reading, this is the club where you can read what you want.  No book?  No problem.  If you’re in a reading slump, or you just didn’t read anything great that month, you can still come to our meetings and have a great time!

Tip #7: Take advantage of audiobooks

If you find yourself struggling to find time to sit down and read, try listening to audiobooks instead.  You can listen to them while commuting, doing chores, or even working out!  There are more ways than ever to enjoy books, so take advantage of them!

If you’re new to audiobooks, check out: How Audiobooks Can Help You Read More: A Beginner’s Guide to Start Listening.

Tip #8: Start with books that are interesting to you

One of the best ways to make sure you’ll stick with reading is to choose books that you’re actually interested in.  If you start with a book you think you should be reading or what everyone else is reading instead of what you want to read, staying motivated will be more challenging.  But if you pick something that sounds fun or exciting, you’re more likely to keep going and finish it.  So don’t be afraid to get choosy when picking out what books to read because there are so many out there!

Tip #9: Get a library card

One of the best ways to save money and still get your hands on new books is by getting a library card.  You can borrow books for free with a library card and return them when you’re done!  Using your library is a great way to try out new authors and genres without spending any money, plus it’s a great way to help you read more books.

To learn more about libraries, why they’re important, and how they serve their communities, check out: 10 Reasons Why Libraries Are Important.

How to Read More Books - Practical Tips

Tip #10: Check out used bookstores

If you’re looking for a more affordable way to buy books, try checking out used bookstores.  You can often find great deals on gently used books!  Purchasing books from a used bookstore is also a great way to support your local community.

Tip #11: Borrow books from friends or family members

Another cost-effective way to get your hands on new reading material is by borrowing books from friends or family members.  They may even have some recommendations for you! Just be sure to return the favor and lend them a book when you’re done.

Tip #12: Keep things interesting by mixing up genres

If you find yourself getting bored with the books you’re reading, try mixing things up and trying a new genre.  Trying new genres will help keep you engaged and prevent you from getting burned out.  There are so many different genres to choose from, so there’s sure to be something for everyone!

Tip #13: Try reading more than one book at a time

If you’re struggling to find time to read, try reading more than one book at a time.  This way, you can always have something to read, no matter where you are or what you’re doing.  Just be sure to keep track of where you left off in each book so you don’t get confused!

Tip #14: Track your reading progress

One way to stay motivated and on track with your reading goals is by tracking your progress.  Tracking your reading could be as simple as keeping a list of the books you’ve read or writing down how many pages you read each day.  Seeing your progress will help you stay focused and keep going!

For more on tracking your reading, check out:

It’s also one of the 3 Things You Can Do To Improve Your Reading Life.

Tip #15: Buddy reading books with friends

A great way to stay motivated and connected with friends is by buddy reading books together.  You can discuss what you’re reading, ask each other questions, and even give each other recommendations.  Buddy reading books with friends is a great way to make reading more social and fun!

Tip #16: Join online communities for book lovers

If you’re looking for more ways to connect with other book lovers, try joining online communities.  There are tons of different groups and forums where you can discuss books, share recommendations, and even make new friends!

I’d also like to take this opportunity to invite you to the BiblioLifestyle Community & the Bring Your Own Book (BYOB) Club! This is a members-only community where we connect over our love for books, share recommendations, build lasting friendships, and encourage each other along the way.

At our Bring Your Own Book (BYOB) Club, you can bring any book you’re reading to our monthly meetings and tell us all about it.  So no more assigned reading, this is the club where you can read what you want.  No book?  No problem.  If you’re in a reading slump, or you just didn’t read anything great that month, you can still come to our meetings and have a great time!

Tip #17: Attend author events or book festivals

Another great way to connect with other book lovers is by attending author events or book festivals.  Attending author events or book festivals is a great way to meet new people and learn about new books!

Join us next time or catch the replays from the Epigraph Literary Festival.  It’s a free virtual event that introduces readers to authors with new and upcoming books and hosts reading and lifestyle-themed sessions.

Tip #18: Participate in readathons

If you’re up for a challenge, try participating in a readathon!  These are events where participants try to read as many books as possible within a specific time frame.  Participating in readathons is a great way to push yourself and see how much you can read!

Tip #19: Create a reading nook

One way to make reading more enjoyable is by creating a dedicated reading space in your home.  A reading nook could be a cozy corner, a comfy chair, or even a spot where you can put your feet up and relax.  Having a designated reading area will help you feel more relaxed and focused while reading.

If you’re interested in creating or updating your reading nook, check out: How to Create a Cozy Reading Nook.

Tip #20: Give yourself permission to DNF

If you’re unfamiliar with current book lingo, DNF means “did not finish.”  And it’s perfectly okay to do this!  Starting a book doesn’t mean you have to finish it.  Feel free to put it down and try something else if you’re not enjoying it.

It’s also one of the 3 Things You Can Do To Improve Your Reading Life.

Tip #21: Take your time

Please don’t feel you must race through a book to finish it.  If you’re enjoying what you’re reading, take your time and savor it!  There’s no rush, and you’ll appreciate the story more if you take the time to really experience it.

Tip #22: Keep a journal

Keep a journal to document your thoughts and feelings as you read.  Keeping a journal is a great way to process what you’re reading and connect with the characters on a deeper level.  You can even use your journal to track your reading progress!

For more on reading journals, check out Reading Journals: Everything You Need To Know.

Tip #23: Set realistic goals

If you’re finding it difficult to find time to read, try setting realistic goals.  Instead of saying you’ll read one book per week, start with one book per month.  Once you reach that goal, you can gradually increase the number of books you read each month.  Remember, baby steps!

For more on reading goals, check out: How To Set and Achieve Your Reading Goals.

How to Read More

Tip #24: Get rid of distractions

When you sit down to read, try to eliminate all or as many distractions as you can.  Reducing distractions means putting away your phone, turning off the TV, and silencing any other potential noise sources.  You want to be able to focus on the book and not be interrupted.

Tip #25: Find books that interest you

If you’re struggling to find the motivation to read, try finding books that interest you.  There are so many different genres and topics out there, so you’re bound to find something that piques your curiosity.  Once you find a book you’re interested in, you’ll be more likely to stick with it and finish it.

Tip #26: Make use of downtime

If you have some downtime during the day, use it as an opportunity to read!  Instead of scrolling through social media or watching TV, crack open a book and get some reading done.  You’d be surprised how much you can get done in just a few minutes.

Tip #27: Take breaks

If you find yourself getting frustrated or feeling overwhelmed, take a break!  Get up and walk around for a few minutes or do something else to clear your head.  You can always come back to the book later when you’re feeling more relaxed.

Tip #28: Reward yourself

After you finish a book, give yourself a well-deserved pat on the back!  Then, treat yourself to something you enjoy, like your favorite food, a new piece of clothing, or even another book.  Rewarding yourself will help motivate you to keep reading so you can earn more rewards!

Tip #29: Get inspired

If you’re ever feeling stuck, get inspired by reading quotes from your favorite authors.  These quotes can help jumpstart your motivation and get you excited about reading again.  You can even post them around your house as a reminder to keep reading!

Tip #30: Set the mood

Last but not least, don’t forget to set the mood!  Make sure you’re in a comfortable environment with soft lighting and no distractions.  You want to be able to relax and escape into the world of the book, so do whatever you need to do to make that happen.

If you’re interested in creating or updating your reading nook, check out: How to Create a Cozy Reading Nook.

30 Practical Tips to Read More

Tips on how to find time to read more books

Finding time to read more books amidst a busy schedule requires some strategic planning and time management skills.  Here are some practical tips to help you fit more reading into your routine:

Take advantage of “micro-moments”

Instead of waiting to have large chunks of free time to read, use the small pockets of time during your day. This could be during your commute, waiting in line, or even during a lunch break. This way, you incorporate reading into your day-to-day life without affecting your schedule significantly.

Set a daily reading goal

A specific target, like reading a certain number of pages or chapters per day, keeps you focused and ensures you make regular progress. Remember to maintain a realistic goal that suits your reading speed and lifestyle.

Schedule reading time

Treat reading like any other important appointment. Schedule a specific time each day for uninterrupted reading and stick to it. It could be early morning, lunchtime, or just before bed—choose a time that works best for you.

Reduce screen time

The time we spend scrolling through social media or watching TV can be used for reading. Try to cut down your screen time and replace it with a good book.

Use technology to your advantage

E-books and audiobooks can make reading more accessible and convenient. Listen to an audiobook during your commute, workout, or while doing household chores.

Read multiple books at once

If you get easily bored with one genre or storyline, consider reading multiple books simultaneously. This keeps things interesting and allows you to switch between books based on your mood or interest at the moment.

Make reading a part of your bedtime routine

Reading can help you relax and wind down at the end of a long day. Make it a part of your nighttime routine to help you sleep better and also get some reading done.

To find more tips on finding time to read when you have a busy schedule, check out: Finding Time To Read When You’re Extremely Busy.

Remember, the goal is to make reading a habit that easily fits into your life. Experiment with these tips, and find what works best for you.

Frequently Asked Questions about How to Read More Books

How do I get more out of reading books?

Getting more out of your reading involves a few simple practices.  Start by choosing books that align with your interests to keep you engaged.  Delve deeper into the content by taking notes or highlighting intriguing ideas.  Discussing the book with others can also give you fresh perspectives.  Participate in book clubs or online forums to share your thoughts and understand others’ viewpoints.  Try to empathize with the characters and connect their experiences to your own for a richer reading experience.  Finally, don’t rush – take your time to understand and appreciate the nuances in the book.  Patience can uncover deeper meanings and make your reading experience more enriching.

How can I read a book more effectively?

Reading a book more effectively involves a well-structured approach.  Start by pre-reading the book.  Skim through the contents page, preface, introduction, and chapter summaries to get a broad idea of what the book is about.  This preparatory step can orient your mind towards the book’s subject matter.  Once you begin reading, break up your reading sessions into manageable chunks instead of trying to read a whole book in a single sitting.  This approach can prevent fatigue and increase comprehension and retention.  Take notes as you read to engage more actively with the text, and highlight or underline key points for future reference.  After finishing a chapter or section, take a moment to summarize what you’ve read in your own words.  This practice reinforces your understanding and memory of the material.  Finally, after finishing the book, review your notes and reflect on the book’s main ideas and how they relate to your own experiences and knowledge.  This final step can deepen your understanding and appreciation of the book.

How can I increase the number of books I read?

Increasing the number of books you read can be achieved with a combination of strategies. First, create a consistent reading schedule. Dedicate a specific time each day for reading, even if it’s just a few minutes.  Over time, this daily habit can significantly increase the number of books you read.  Consider audiobooks as an additional option, especially if you’re always on the move.  They allow you to enjoy books during commutes, workouts, or chores.  Join a book club or reading group; the social aspect can motivate you to read more.  Also, always carry a book with you.  You’ll be surprised how much reading you can accomplish in unexpected free moments during the day.  Set reading goals, but ensure they are realistic and achievable to avoid undue pressure.  Lastly, diversify your reading materials across genres and topics.  This will maintain your interest in reading and expose you to a wide array of perspectives and ideas.

Practical Tips to Read More

How can I encourage myself to read more books?

Encouraging yourself to read more books can be a fun and rewarding endeavor.  Begin by finding a genre or author that truly captivates you.  When you read what you love, you’ll naturally want to read more.  Creating a cozy reading nook in your home can also make your reading experience more appealing.  Additionally, setting achievable reading goals and tracking your progress can serve as motivation.  You could use a reading app or a traditional reading log to keep track.  Joining a book club or participating in online reading challenges can add a social element to your reading journey and provide added encouragement.  Remember to celebrate your progress, no matter how small.  Every book read is an achievement!

What causes a lack of reading books?

Several factors can contribute to a lack of reading books.  One common reason is the overwhelming presence of digital distractions, including social media, television shows, video games, and other online content.  These mediums often offer instant gratification and require less cognitive effort compared to reading a book.  Time constraints due to a busy lifestyle or heavy workload can also deter people from picking up a book.  Additionally, some people may have difficulty reading due to dyslexia or other learning differences, which can make the process of reading more challenging and less enjoyable.  Lack of access to books due to financial constraints or living in areas with limited resources can also be a significant barrier.  Finally, a person’s attitude towards reading can play a critical role; if they perceive it as tedious or uninteresting, they are less likely to engage in it regularly.

How long should I read a day?

The length of your daily reading sessions can vary based on your personal preferences and schedule.  However, I recommend new readers to try and set aside at least 15 to 30 minutes a day for uninterrupted reading.  This consistent practice can help build your reading habits and make a significant impact over time.  Remember, it’s not about racing through as many books as possible but rather about absorbing and enjoying what you’re reading.  So whether you decide to stick to the minimum of 15 minutes or extend your reading sessions, the key is consistency.  It’s better to read a little every day than to try and read for several hours at once and then not touch a book for days.  But what matters more than anything else is finding a routine that suits you and stick to it.

Do you have any tips for how to read more books?

Have you tried any of these tips?  What tips or routines have worked for you?  What tips would you add to this list?  Please share them with us in the comments below so we can learn how to read more books.


30 Practical Tips for Reading More Books

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