
The Reader's Couch Podcast

Before You Set Your Reading Goals Do This

Get five tips on setting meaningful reading goals that align with your passions and lifestyle.

Last Updated on April 25, 2024 by BiblioLifestyle

Before You Set Your Reading Goals Do This - The Reader's Couch Podcast

Before You Set Your Reading Goals Do This


Craft your own reading life for a more meaningful literary year ahead!  Join me on the couch as I share five tips to help you set your reading goals so that they align with your life and passions.  Learn how to reflect on past reading habits, tailor goals to your current lifestyle, and curate a list of must-reads.  Also, discover the joy of setting realistic reading aspirations and how joining a book club can enhance your journey.

So whether you’re a voracious reader looking for inspiration or a newbie wanting to start a reading habit, this episode is your guide to having a more meaningful year of reading.   So, tune in for a blend of practical tips and heartfelt personal experiences.

Before You Set Your Reading Goals Do This

Discover the Joy of Reading: How to Set Your Reading Goals To Enhance Your Literary Life

If you’re a bibliophile seeking to refine your reading experience in the new year, then you’ve stumbled upon a gem.  In this episode, I share with readers how they can tailor their reading journey to be as unique as they are.  More importantly, I share five tips to help you create reading goals that align with your life and passions.

Why Set Reading Goals?

Setting reading goals isn’t just about the number of books you plan to devour.  It’s about crafting an enriching path that mirrors your life, interests, and curiosities.  Reading goals gives you a sense of direction, helps you manage your time effectively, and increases the satisfaction derived from each book you complete.

The Art of Reflecting and Planning

One of the five essential tips I shared that you should do before setting your reading goals is to spend some time reflecting on your past reading habits.  What genres have thrilled you?  Which authors speak to your soul?  By understanding your past preferences, you’ll be better equipped to create a future reading list that resonates with you.

Your Current Lifestyle

Another tip I recommend you consider before setting your reading goals is to analyze your current lifestyle.  Because our lives change, and so do our reading capacities.  So the key is to align your reading goals with your present reality, avoiding the pitfall of setting overly ambitious targets that may lead to disappointment.

Crafting a Personal Reading List

When it comes to selecting your next literary adventure, my advice is to make it personal.  Your reading list should be a reflection of your deepest interests.  So while I encourage readers to explore recommendations from trusted sources, it’s also important to make independent choices.

Realistic Goals for Your Life

We all have different paces and preferences when it comes to reading.  That’s why setting realistic and achievable goals is paramount.  It’s about finding that sweet spot where your reading aspirations meet the reality of your day-to-day routine.  So whether it’s acknowledging your reading speed, lifestyle, or preferred book format, tailoring your goals to your personal context is essential for a rewarding reading experience.

The Power of Community

Book clubs and reading communities not only provide a platform for discussion and discovery but also offer support and motivation towards achieving your reading goals.

If you’re looking for a community to join, I hope you will consider the BiblioLifestyle Community & the Bring Your Own Book (BYOB) Club!  This is a members-only community where we connect over our love for books, share recommendations, build lasting friendships, and encourage each other along the way.

At our Bring Your Own Book (BYOB) Club, you can bring any book you’re reading to our monthly meetings and tell us all about it.  So no more assigned reading; this is the club where you can read what you want.  No book?  No problem.  If you’re in a reading slump, or you just didn’t read anything great that month, you can still come to our meetings and have a great time!

What is your relationship with reading goals?

Do you set reading goals?  If yes, what is your reading goal for this year?  If not, why don’t you set reading?  Let’s talk all about reading goals in the comments below.

Looking for more podcast episodes?  Tune in here.


Before You Set Your Reading Goals Do This - The Reader's Couch Podcast

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