
The Reader's Couch Podcast

The One Thing I Do at the End of Every Year

Let’s get intentional about how we end the past year and start this new year!

Last Updated on December 29, 2023 by showitadmin

The Reader's Couch podcast - The One Thing I Do at the End of Every Year

The One Thing I Do at the End of Every Year


Have you ever rushed into the New Year without pausing to reflect on the past 365 days?  Well, I’ve been there, and it’s a whirlwind, and I don’t recommend it.  So today, I invite you to join me on the couch as we halt the clock, breathe, and make a plan to take stock of the year gone by.  This practice I’ve been doing enables me to slow down, celebrate my progress, learn from my challenges, and set realistic, intentional goals for the coming year.  This way, I can start the new year with purpose, clarity, and a renewed zest for life’s journey.  Hopefully, by sharing my practice with you, you’ll be inspired to modify it to fit your life and include it in your end-of-year routine.

In this episode I share:

  • Why I believe slowing down and reflecting should be part of your end-of-year routine.
  • How to slow down and reflect on the end of the year.
The One Thing I Do at the End of Every Year

The Transformative Power of Year-End Reflections

As we find ourselves on the precipice of a new year, it’s important to pause, reflect, and set intentions for the year to come.  In today’s episode, I’m inviting listeners to slow down and take a more reflective approach to end the year.

By sharing my personal journey, coupled with tips on how to incorporate this practice into your lives, I hope this will be an enriching guide to setting realistic and intentional goals for the upcoming year.

Finding Solitude

A critical aspect of this practice is finding peace in unexpected places.  In my case, it’s usually the car or my closet.

Slowing Down and Reflecting

One of the key takeaways from this episode is the importance of slowing down and reflecting.  I share from my personal experience how this practice enables me to gain perspective, celebrate progress, learn from challenges, and set realistic goals for the coming year.

Goal Setting

When you engage in a reflective practice, this can help to foster a positive mindset for setting future goals.  Not only does this pave the way for a purposeful, clear new year, but it also acts as a form of self-care, promoting a more grounded and centered feeling.


I also share the importance of honest, non-judgmental self-reflection and provide practical tips on how journaling can help you make your experiences and feelings tangible and foster a deeper understanding of ourselves.

For more on journaling and self reflection check out: Reconnecting with Yourself: Journaling Prompts for Self Reflection.

It’s also important to note that by highlighting the positive aspects of the past year and learning from our challenges, we can fuel our growth and set a positive tone for our future.  Because the end of the year is not an ending but a stepping stone to the new beginnings that await us.

As we prepare to bid farewell to this year and welcome the next, let’s slow down and make time for self-reflection.  Let’s celebrate our progress, learn from our challenges, and set intentional, realistic goals for the coming year.  Here’s to a new year filled with purpose, clarity, and personal growth!

Do you slow down and reflect at the end of the year?

What has helped you to slow down?  How do you reflect on your life?  What tips or advice would you give to someone new to slowing down and reflecting on their lives? Let’s talk about all things slowing down and down end of the year reflections in the comments below.


The Reader's Couch podcast - The One Thing I Do at the End of Every Year

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