
Reading Challenges

Everything You Need To Know About Reading Challenges

There are different types of challenges available, so it’s important to find the right one for you.

Last Updated on December 27, 2023 by BiblioLifestyle

girl reading

Do you want to start a reading habit?  Or maybe you love reading but find it difficult to stick to a regular reading routine.  Or maybe your goal is to read more books?  If any of those scenarios sound like you, you might want to consider participating in a reading challenge.

A reading challenge is a great way to set goals for yourself and track your progress as you set out to achieve your reading goals.  There are different types of challenges available, so it’s important to find the right one for you.  Once you have a reading goal in mind, it’s time to incorporate a challenge and get started.

So if you’re looking for more information on reading challenges or want to join one or all of our challenges, keep reading.  We hope you have fun completing your next challenge!

Everything You Need To Know About Reading Challenges

What are reading challenges, and why should you participate in them?

A reading challenge is a great way to start a reading habit, set reading goals, maintain a reading habit, help you to read more books, and help you read more intentionally. It can also help you make the most of your reading time, help you achieve your goals, and have a more fulfilling reading life.

There are lots of different types of reading challenges, so you can choose one that fits your interests, goals, and schedule. And there’s no need to go it alone! Many reading challenges are social events that take place online or in person, so you can connect with other readers and get support and encouragement along the way. It is also something you can do on your own if you prefer.

So why not give it a try? You might just find that it’s the best way to start and improve your reading habits and reach your reading goals.

How do you find the right reading challenge for you, and what are the different types of challenges available?

If you’re looking for a reading challenge, there are a few things to consider. First, what type of reader are you, and where are you currently in your reading journey? Answering this is the first step in finding the right reading challenge for you. This is why we created the What’s Your Reader Type? Quiz. The quiz will only take 60 seconds of your time, and you’ll discover your reader type and get the resources you need to start reading, maintain the habit, and get intentional.

Other questions to consider are: Do you prefer fiction or non-fiction? Second, how much time do you have to dedicate to reading? Are you looking for a short-term challenge or a long-term commitment? And finally, what kind of books do you want to read? Once you’ve answered these questions, you’ll be able to narrow down your options and find the perfect challenge for you.

There are a variety of reading challenges available for adults, from short-term challenges that can be completed in a few weeks to year-long challenges with different reading goals. You can also find reading challenges that focus on specific genres or types of books, such as classic literature or women’s fiction. No matter what your reading preferences are, there’s sure to be a challenge that’s right for you.

reading challenge

How do you set goals for your reading challenge and track your progress along the way?

A reading challenge is a great way to set and track your reading goals.  For adults, it can be a fun way to start a habit or push yourself to read more diversely or intentionally.  It can also be used as a tool to explore different genres of literature or expand your current reading repertoire.

When setting goals for your reading challenge, consider how many books you want to read, the types of books you want to read, and how much time you want to dedicate to reading each week. Once you have set your goals, it’s time to start tracking your progress. One way to do this is by keeping a reading journal where you can record the titles of the books you read, your thoughts on the books, and how fast you read them. Another way is to use reading apps.  These websites allow you to input the books you’ve read and rate them, as well as see what others are reading and get recommendations for what to read next. No matter how you choose to track your progress, setting and reaching your reading goals can be a fun and rewarding experience.


What are some tips for completing a reading challenge successfully and having fun while doing so?

A reading challenge can be a great way to start a reading habit or shake up your existing reading habits and explore new books, genres, or authors.  But how can you make sure you complete the challenge successfully and have fun while doing so? Here are a few tips:

1. Set realistic goals.

If you’re aiming to read 25 books in a year, make sure you’re choosing books that you’ll actually enjoy reading. There’s nothing worse than forcing yourself to slog through a book just to meet a reading goal.

2. Join or create a reading challenge group.

This is a great way to stay motivated and engaged with your challenge. Reading groups can offer support, accountability, and encouragement- not to mention they’re just plain fun!

3. Allow yourself some flexibility.

A reading challenge should be enjoyable, not stressful. If you find yourself getting bogged down by the challenge, take a break or adjust your goals accordingly. The most important thing is that you’re reading for pleasure, not just to check off boxes on a list.

By following these tips, you’ll be well on your way to completing your challenge and having a great time doing so!

reading journal and tea

BiblioLifestyle Reading Challenges

If you’re looking for some fun, easy, and low-pressure challenges, we have some options for you:


The 2024 Reading Challenge

The theme is “Reading for Change,” and we hope to encourage readers to explore books that challenge their perspectives and open their minds to new ideas.

The 2024 Summer Reading Challenge for Adults

The theme is “Read and Relax This Summer.” We want to help you make the most of your summer reading by providing prompts that will allow you to escape, unwind, and discover new stories.

The 2024 Fall Reading Challenge for Adults

The theme is “Read and Recharge This Fall.” As the weather cools down, we want to help you recharge your reading energy with prompts that will challenge you to explore new genres, authors, and stories.


The 2023 Reading Challenge

The theme is “Reading Across Genres,” and we hope you’re ready for an exciting new way to explore different genres and dive into some truly captivating stories.

The 2023 Summer Reading Challenge for Adults

The theme is “Reading S’more This Summer.”  We hope our carefully selected prompts will encourage you to read more this summer, and who knows, maybe make some s’mores too!

The 2023 Fall Reading Challenge for Adults

The challenge is designed to help adults get the most out of their fall reading!  There are three prompts, and you can follow them in chronological order or mix and match as you see fit.


The 2022 Reading Challenge

The theme for is “Reading Around The World,” and we hope you’re ready to go on this journey with us through the pages of books.  Our goal is to inspire, encourage, and challenge readers to read books set in the twelve regions we curated in our reading prompts.


The 2021 Reading Challenge

The theme is “Reading for Comfort and Connection,” and we hope our carefully selected reading prompts will help you do just that.

book on couch with glass and throw blanket

What are some of the benefits of participating in a reading challenge, both personal and professional?

A reading challenge is a great way to jumpstart your reading habit or add some variety to your current reading routine.  By setting yourself a goal – such as reading one book per month – you can push yourself to read more regularly and explore new genres or authors that you might not have otherwise picked up.  They can also be a fun way to connect with other readers, both online and in person. Many challenges offer forums where participants can discuss their progress, share book recommendations, and support each other in reaching their reading goals.

In addition to the personal benefits of taking on a reading challenge, there are also professional benefits.  Reading regularly has been shown to improve literacy skills, communication skills, and critical thinking skills.   As a result, participating in a challenge can help you sharpen your mind and become more well-rounded in your thinking – an asset in any field.  Whether you’re looking for a personal or professional boost, participating in a reading challenge is a great way to improve your life through the power of reading.

What is your relationship with reading challenges?

Do you participate in reading challenges?  Do you find them helpful?  Do you prefer annual or seasonal challenges?  Let’s talk about it in the comments below!

Everything You Need To Know About Reading Challenges

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